Little figurines of buddha sitting on the inside of a wall shrine. Learn how to make a shrine.

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If you’re looking for ways to create a sacred space in your home and honor the memory of loved ones who have passed away, then learning how to make a shrine or home altar may be a perfect way.

Whether you’re seeking a quiet place for prayer, reflection, or meditation, a shrine can provide a beautiful and meaningful space to do so.

The great thing about creating a shrine is that it can be tailored to your individual preferences, and can be as simple or intricate as you desire. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a shrine in your home.

Why Make Shrines Or Altars?

Shrines and altars allow us to remember, reflect on, and honor loss while also assisting in the healing process through emotional expression and communication.

They help us make sense of our world by bringing order to chaos, giving us a way to express how we feel and how we want to remember and commemorate those who have died.

Learning how to make a shrine can provide you with a quiet place to visit and reflect. It may also serve as the setting for mourning, prayer, reflection, remembrance, and homage.

Creating a home altar doesn’t have to be time-consuming. You can keep it simple by making a small shrine with whatever you have on hand.

What To Consider When Learning How To Make A Shrine

When learning how to make a shrine or altar in your home, there are some things you should take into account. Below are some steps to follow when making your own sacred space.

Choose a Location

It’s crucial to select a spot in your home that feels secure and comforting to you. Some common locations include a bedroom, living room, or even a garden.

Determine the Purpose of Your Shrine

What do you want to use your shrine for? Is it primarily for meditation and prayer, or do you want to create a space to remember loved ones? This will influence the items you choose to include on your altar.

Create a Focal Point

Your shrine should have a centerpiece that draws your attention and helps you focus your thoughts.

This could be a framed picture, a small statue, or any other object that has meaning to you.

Gather Your Items

Select the items you want to include on your altar. This can include pictures, natural elements such as shells or pebbles, candles, or incense. The items you choose should reflect your intention and purpose for the shrine.

Choose the Size and Shape

Shrines and altars come in many different sizes and shapes, so you can choose one that fits your personal preferences.

Some people prefer a portable altar that can be moved around the house, while others may want a more permanent structure.

By following these steps, you can learn how to make a shrine or altar that enhances your spiritual practice and brings peace and comfort to your home.

Keep The Alter Tidy

When creating your home altar, remember to keep it clean and tidy. This is a place of peace and reflection, not chaos and clutter!

Take a moment each day to tidy up any messes and put away any items that are not currently in use.

This ensures that the altar remains a calming space for you to connect with your spirituality and practice personal prayer and reflection.

Learning how to make a shrine or home altar can be a beautiful and rewarding process, helping you to cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and spiritual connection in your daily life.

Creating A Personalized Shrine: What To Consider

When learning how to make a shrine or altar in your home, there are some things you should take into account.

The beauty of making a shrine is that the options and materials available are seemingly infinite, making the process unique to each individual.

When it comes to building a shrine, there are no strict guidelines to follow, and the process, much like the grieving process, is different for everyone.

When creating a shrine to honor a loved one, taking the time to reflect on their personality, interests, and meaningful moments can help guide the design process.

Below are a few steps to consider when learning how to make a shrine or altar:

List Words and Phrases

Start by making a list of words and phrases that come to mind when you think of your loved one.

Consider their personality traits, hobbies, and interests. These words and phrases will help you identify the themes that should be incorporated into the shrine.

List Connecting Items

Create a list of items or things that connect you with your loved one. These could be items that they owned, mementos from shared experiences, or anything that reminds you of them.

These items can serve as the focal points of the shrine and help to bring your loved one’s memory to life.

List Quotations and Comments

Think back to conversations you had with your loved one and make a list of any quotations, wise sayings, or loving comments that they may have said.

These phrases can be incorporated into the shrine as a way to honor and remember them.

List Unique Qualities

Consider the things that made your loved one unique. What were their favorite colors, flowers, foods, hobbies, and talents? Make a list of these things, as they can help guide the design of the shrine.

Search for Images

Use the themes and items you have listed to search for images that are relevant to your loved one’s memory.

These images can be printed and displayed on the shrine, serving as a visual representation of their personality and life.

By following these steps, you can create a shrine that is deeply personal and reflective of your loved one’s memory.

The shrine can be a space to connect with their memory and to feel a sense of peace and comfort in their absence.

Choosing The Right Container For Your Shrine

When learning how to make a shrine, choosing the right container is an important step that should not be overlooked.

It is best to select a container before gathering all your elements to ensure that your chosen items will fit comfortably and securely within it.

Additionally, you should consider how the shrine will be transported and stored when not in use. Here are some containers to consider for your portable shrine:


These are typically shallow, wooden boxes with a glass front. They are perfect for displaying and protecting small items.

Jewelry Boxes

These are small and compact, making them easy to transport. They often have various compartments and are ideal for holding jewelry or other small objects.

Shoe Boxes

These can be a great option for larger shrines as they provide ample space for your items. They are also easily transportable and can be decorated to fit your style.

Gift Boxes

These can come in various sizes and shapes and can be decorated to your liking. They are an affordable option and can be reused as necessary.

Materials Needed To Create A Personalized Shrine

Once you have chosen a container, gather photographs and possessions connected with your loved one and any other mementos you wish to include in the shrine.

You will also need decorative paper, scissors, paint, and glue. You can also use additional accessories for decoration such as Charms, ribbons, sticks, shells, flowers, and stones.

Steps to Create Your Personalized Shrine

Prepare the container

Prepare the container’s surface by painting it any color you like that best represents your loved one. You can also wrap it in beautiful decorative paper if painting it is too messy.

Arrange the photos

Arrange the photos in the container where they look best. You may want to include a framed photo of your loved one as the centerpiece of the shrine.

Once you find the best positioning for your photos you may glue them into place.

To ensure the safety and longevity of your original images, it is recommended to make copies and use them instead.

This way, if the copies get accidentally damaged, you still have the original images in their original state.

Add decorations

Add your own decorations to the inner and exterior surfaces of the shrine until you are satisfied with the look.

Some decorations you can use include charms, ribbons, stickers, shells, flowers, stones, or any other items that hold significance to you and your loved one’s memory.

Label the shrine

Write the name of your loved one and their dates of birth and death on a piece of paper, and glue it to the bottom or back of your shrine.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized shrine that reflects your loved one’s memory and personality.

It is a meaningful way to connect with their memory and keep them close to your heart.

Choosing The Ideal Location For Your Shrine

When learning how to make a shrine, it is essential to not only focus on the design but also on the space in which it will be placed.

The location of the shrine is crucial to its function as a space for quiet reflection and prayer. Below are some tips to help you select the perfect spot for your shrine.

Choose a Quiet Spot

Select a quiet and peaceful spot in your home where you can spend time alone with your thoughts and prayers.

This could be a corner of your bedroom, a dedicated meditation room, or a peaceful area in your garden.

Consider Lighting

When selecting the location of your shrine, consider the lighting in the area. Ideally, the space should have natural light or soft lighting to create a calming atmosphere.

Create a Comfortable Space

Make sure the area around the shrine is comfortable and conducive to quiet reflection. This may mean adding a cushion or chair for seating, or simply ensuring the space is clean and uncluttered.

Avoid Distractions

Choose a location that is free from distractions and interruptions. This could mean avoiding areas with high foot traffic or noise.

Personalize the Space

Finally, personalize the space around the shrine to make it a truly sacred and meaningful space.

You can do this by adding tea light candles, incense, or other meaningful items that connect you with your spirituality and your loved one’s memory.

By selecting the perfect spot for your shrine, you can create a space that facilitates quiet reflection, personal prayer, and a deeper connection with your spirituality.

Include Items Of Sentimental Value In Your Shrine

When learning how to make a shrine, it is essential to include personal items that hold sentimental value in the shrine or altar.

These items can be clothing, favorite toys, or handmade objects created by someone special.

For instance, if your loved one was a musician, you might choose to display a small harp or guitar.

You can also include any of their works to showcase their talents. If you have inherited heirlooms or other meaningful items from your loved one, these can also be incorporated into the shrine, adding to its sentimental value.

Selecting Meaningful Images For Your Shrine

When making a shrine, it is crucial to select images that hold special meaning to the person you are memorializing.

It is essential to ask yourself how each image fits into the overall theme of your shrine, evoking memories that honor your loved one’s memory.

For instance, if your loved one was an avid gardener, you might select images of them tending to their plants or standing proudly next to a particularly beautiful flower bed.

These images will be especially meaningful as they capture a significant part of their life and evoke happy memories.

Images that document specific moments in your loved one’s life, such as important milestones or cherished memories, are also ideal additions to a memorial shrine.

Setting Your Shrines Atmosphere

Candles or incense can play a significant role in setting the mood for meditation and prayer in your shrine.

Incorporating candles or incense into your shrine can enhance the atmosphere, making it a more calming and peaceful space.

Additionally, an oil diffuser with your or your loved one’s favorite fragrance can be used to further enhance the ambiance of your shrine, creating a more tranquil and soothing environment.

When learning how to make a shrine, consider placing it near a window in your garden where plants can be seen, providing a sense of tranquility and comfort. Music can also be used to create a soothing ambiance in your shrine space.

Consider playing music that was special to your loved one or has personal significance to you, further enhancing the calming and peaceful atmosphere of your shrine.

Personalize Your Shrine With Seasonal And Occasional Items

One of the benefits of creating a shrine is the flexibility it offers. You can add or modify items in the shrine at any time to keep it fresh and meaningful.

Consider adding objects that symbolize significant times in the year, such as birthdays and holidays, to make the shrine more personal and reflective of your loved one’s memory.

For instance, you might include a small Christmas tree ornament that your loved one cherished or a favorite birthday card.

These small additions can serve as reminders of special times and create a deeper connection with your loved one’s memory.

Additionally, incorporating seasonal elements such as flowers or foliage can further enhance the ambiance of the shrine and create a more dynamic and meaningful space.

The Healing Benefits Of Creating A Shrine

Learning how to make a shrine can be a therapeutic and healing experience. Building and expanding your shrine allows you to honor your loved ones while creating a space for quiet reflection and personal grieving.

It provides a sense of comfort and stability during a difficult time, helping to ease the process of grieving and providing a physical representation of the love and memories shared with your loved one.

The process of learning how to make a shrine may help you reflect on happy memories and come to terms with your loss in your own way.

A shrine can be a beautiful and personal way to commemorate your loved ones and keep their memory close to your heart for years to come.

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